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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 7, 2013 3:55pm-5:31pm EST

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the fish. it was, it really did end the town as a mining town. there were government monies spent, about $220 million, by the time i wrote my book which was in the 1990s when i was first doing interviews. now i guess it's up to about $440 million cleaning up the area. they dug out every yard, put in clean dirt. they worked on the river, moves the river -- moved the river, dredged it, moved it back. they took out the field and the football stadium and put clean dirt in, and so basically, the town's pretty clean now. many people in the town felt that was not appropriate, that we'd all lived here, there was nothing wrong with any of us -- with a few exceptions -- and it just, it just was the end of our era. a lot of people stayed and waited, waited and waited for the mines to reopen, but they
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didn't. some of them, there was still mining going on up the valley, not the smelting. they would ship it out in ore cars probably to -- there was a smelter in washington and there were some this canada. so some of them would get work there, but most of them just waited and waited for the mines to reopen, and they didn't. finally, many left. but many stayed, and maybe they're involved with the ski industry here and the tourist industry. but the wages paid in those industries is so much less than the miners were paid. it really hurt the town a lot. i wanted to write a book about kellogg because i grew up here, and i began it as a novel about the labor strike that happened when i was a junior and senior in high school. and so i came back to interview people about this strike and find out more about it because i knew a lot about it because i'd worked for the lawyer who helped form the new union, but i
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learned i didn't know know everything. and the more i talked with people, the more i learned. and it just seemed that i should be trying to preserve the stories of the people who lived here. because the mining was gone by then, and there were such -- it was such a community where everybody really helped each other through the hard times and through the good times. and it seemed to me it ought to be remembered somehow. and so i decided to put this book together. >> for more information on booktv's recent visit to idaho and the many other cities visited by our local content vehicles, go to >> here's a look at some books published in 2012, booktv's 14th year on c-span2. dr. ben carson published "america the beautiful: what made this nation great."
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and rachel maddow released "drift: the unmooring of american military power." also published in 2012 buzz "it worked for me: in life and leadership" by colin powell. the former secretary of state was on booktv that year to talk about his book. >> it's very important that that rule had to be the summary of the 13 rules, and it links to the first one also that says, you know, things will get better in the morning. and i start that description by saying that's not necessarily the case, but it's the attitude you should have. things are going to get better, you're going to make them better. of it is within your life to make things better, and then if you go through the rules and end up with perpetual optimism as a force multiplier, force multiplier's a military term. we're always looking for ways to enhance the power of our force whether it's by communications or supply lines or whatever it is. but we look for things that make
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the force more effective. and so i have found in working with human beings -- and this book is all about working with human beings -- i have found that if you as a leader or manager convey an attitude of perpetual optimism, we can do it, we can do it, then that will infect an entire organization, and it becomes a force multiplier. they can do more than they thought they can do. i also, coming to robert's real question, as i go be around the country -- go around the country, i see all of the problems that are discussed here in washington so very, very off. the unemployment rate, the fact that our economy is just starting to come back but not fast enough, the problem with the overseas adventures that we have been been involved in and other crises around the world. but i also see as i go around the country people who are hard at work, people in business -- and i talk to business leaders, financial leaders, mass audiences -- i still find that people are optimistic about the
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this country. they have confidence in who we are and what we are. an almost ray began-like confidence among the people. and if there's one thing that's really bugging them it's that they sense their leaders in washington don't understand how much confidence and optimism is still out there, and they're waiting for the leaders in washington to cut through the gordian knots of conflict and lack of compromise and get this country moving. so i have always tried to be optimistic and convey an attitude of optimism, and i am optimistic about this country. ..
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>> for the first time in the history of american and jurisprudence a state government of florida the department of justice, the white house, the news media media, entertainment industry, but a and the civil-rights movement conspired to put a transparent the innocent man in prison -- present for the rest of his life. i had to ask myself why? and what i have chosen to do is to ask for basic questions why did this happen in? the second question is how transparent was george zimmerman innocent? how did these forces succeed to bring zimmerman to a trial and get him arrested?
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and fourth, what was the consequence of trying an innocent man and a county where he could expect a fair trial? let me start with the wise and i have to go back to the year 1920. the rest of to an italian-american gentleman arrested for the murder of a payroll clerk also an italian-american. they went to trial 1921 he was sentenced 15 years in prison nobody said anything about it that later they went to trial and had an interpreter and due process and went through the trial both were convicted in both transparently guilty.
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and in 19211 of the reporters the guys in this case throwback to his editor and said not much here. just a couple of logs in the jam then the aclu picks up the case and send their attorney to massachusetts and he realizes is right away if they have any chance of the appeal process but then more tries with limited success event then he falls out of a and the attorney is fired. so then stalling and takes over in the soviet union in realizes we could never start a workers revolution
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all he could hope to do was create an image in the world that is not a melting pot but xenophobes or racism to put italians in jail for nothing. just for their politics. he sets out to do that they get a hold of the case. they started agitation and propaganda and they started to stage a world wide parade to free them not even executed but not even guilty. the thought process is called line for the truth. you just tell the allies really the first time in the history of america you introduce conspicuous lying just to get your way. neutral fax went out the
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window if they simply did not care. in did 1925 when you create a court you attract a lot of celebrities. these are the people who just wrote about the case. felix frankfurter a and upton sinclair. the night of august 27 the night to be executed there were violent rallies in rome and italy and berlin, paris, london come outside the penitentiary in massachusetts under on the up protesters she says i hope the governor intervenes
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and i hope they will be saved and this is what catherine porter said about the woman she said saved? who wants them saved? what earthly good would they do us alive? the whole purpose was to see them killed that way it could continue to perpetuate that america is evil and of racist place but it justice intervenes then that ruins the narrative. keep that in mind because we will come back to that. among the people who is writing about the case at the time was upton sinclair if you were probably forced to read him in high school when people read books and high-school. on the verge of writing a two volume documentary novel
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about the case. and he was halfway through it when they're executed 80 started to have misgivings and sought out the attorney that was fired and here is what he wrote about his interview with more that the men were guilty and he told me in every detail how he framed a set of alibis for them. here is the kicker. my wife is absolutely certain if i tell what i believe i will be called a traitor to the movement in may now live to finish the book. so upton sinclair finishes the book as he was expected and then murdered for the causes now there is statues of them and they're still in dissent and they still remain that way. the letter that sinclair was
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only under such -- under is the only five years ago that you wrote. but not with much attention as you can imagine. but throughout the 20th century to stir up animosity i will give you some specific cases. in 1953 you had the execution of those that were jewish the judge was to issue that was forgotten because now they can say natalie's you know, phobic but somatic and then there or executed. of first they said not that they extend to the narrative to say but today a book after book written about the rosenbergs. they were guilty as sin but every time us soviet faults open septic is confirmed your reconfirm to they were
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totally transparently guilty. the soviets did that and they did not care. they would like for the jurors. irrelevant. larger truth. what rules. fed may move into the american indian movement with two fbi agents in cold blood still celebrated for his innocence tried and convicted with a fair trial totally guilty and if you drive around douglas county you will still see them and that took place 35 years ago. a boxer in multiple roles murder. patterson new jersey. tried twice for murder and convicted those times when out on leave he took his female manager and beat her
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near-death at the same time in writing about hurricane carter and singing around the country. he was finally released on a technicality years later but that allowed champions of some of media to make him in the center once again but for the multiracial jury convicted twice. some of you may have heard of john paul. 1982 or december 1981 a police officer who was 25 years old at the time set have a tough situation get here quickly. his backup gets there two minutes later with a bullet in his back and another between his eyes. faulkner shot one ball is in the chest jamal was at his
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side and his bullets five were shot and two of them are in faulkner's body. there were four eyewitnesses at the scene. two were black and two were white and they all identified the man as the shooter. they went to trial multiracial jury convicted easily transparently guilty. he was sentenced to be executed of course, they protested the execution is then his very conviction now he was in the senate. you're probably see in those bumper stickers as well. and then he became a celebrity giving commencement addresses. he wrote books ever written about him and getting published everywhere then at
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the height of it npr science him to do a series of commentaries for all things considered at which point the philadelphia of patrolmen's benevolent association said enough is enough. we have a widow who was killed by this man now doing things on npr? that was not a violation but that is the nature of the beast. they finally got the message and canceled the commentary so that is how they work historically that discarding in the soviet union moving to the united states even after it expires the playbook lives on. they know how to agitate and propaganda. agi-prop. but day counted on something in that stage is to presuming the guilty
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innocence stage. in detail like the andy griffith show but now the rise from a particular 67 episode which some of you have seen. to remember when aunt bee is the juror. do remember the guy on trial? the actor? jack nicholson. 1967 a few years later he would be a movie star but he is on trial for what vinegar's restore 12 people on the jury one was aunt bee the other 11 are convinced the character is guilty but aunt bee pulled out because he does not seem like the kind of guy to rob us store
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for a first everybody is angry with aunt bee to hang century but it turns out that real steve is captured then of course, aunt bee is the hero for her foresight not sending the innocent man to prison. would be watched that we don't identify with aunt bee because we think that is how we would be paid for your open-minded and fair minded to see all the evidence. that is the distinctive american sense of self justice. not to make it to political but i have too a little bit 12 angry men a classic movie produced in 1957 right at the height of the mccarthy era and when we walked it i always identify with juror number eight with henry
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fonda character. it is a huge it is almost as high as it gets rated number nine. but the author saw it a little differently than you have to read his instructions as to how the characters should be portrayed. here is juror number eight the month of may and who sees all sides of every question inconsistently seeks the truth. a man with strings tempered with compassion above all a man who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is. fair enough. but if you remember 12th inning premed were adversaries. he was like aunt bee deal anyone to say not guilty juror number three humorless and tolerant of opinions other than his own and is accustomed to put his wishes and views upon others. who is he talking about?
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and they still are. juror number 10. a bigot. but number eight but he once justice and not swayed by a motion and ignores the clamor of the mob for a conviction and sticks to his principles. but when did the worm turned? if that were the liberals self image when did that stop being true? it was not necessarily the right or the tissue. with the civil rights activist some of the greatest supporters was gershwin's but that pledge
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said totally of didn't george's ever been a and you cannot pretend that they did not. when did the zero were returned and it was okay to accuse an innocent man to advance the narrative? says one to grieve for the innocence but also to be cree said gilts of an innocent man i will trace it through 1987. two things happened and you would think that it precipitated a actually the latter may have precipitated the former. bonfire of the vanity was published in if you read that it is like the playbook for what happened to george zimmerman. in the book, that the prosecutor and the judge are weary to do try black and latino men not morally but
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they decided is in bad taste. what they would really like to try is the great white defendant in they find that with the character who is of master of the universe and they go after him in dick nor the evidence because it will make them feel good about themselves. they will align themselves with the all sharpton character. the kid who was killed is called henry lamb. the 17 year-old honor student who was hit by a car actually in the process of trying to rob the characters very funny in complicated and interesting book and it seems like fiction than one month later al sharpton discovers, the you wonder if
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he read a bonfire of the vanities and i could be him. like life imitating art than a 15 year-old black girl upstate new york missing five days comes home she has kkk across her chest is sexually assaulted and with al sharpton and others they decide that the person who did this to her was the prosecutor of that upstate the york county. they accused the prosecutor and five of his buddies. utterly totally of rages but again, and the the the first time where the media got involved they were accusing the in the sense of being guilty to advance a narrative that strength is their agenda that nothing
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has changed but they are terrible event you need people but that was the message. but not before every with the lives of the people accused then they were vindicated and they sued dow sharp doom for slander or libel and i believe johnnie cochran finally paid his bills because sharpton would not pay them. that is why the search for their great white defendant has not gone away. george silberman made very likely great white defendant but he was there. i want to talk about transparency is a reason to
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believe he was and is said? people said he was guilty and watch tv for a year and a half you was terribly guilty. during the early days of the trial i spent the weekend with a black friend of mine. good guy and levelheaded the trial was on falling the mainstream media. what will happen? ice said he will be acquitted. because he believed what the media would tell him. he is levelheaded a and clear thinking. in its you wonder what the rest of the route was thinking. here is what we know. do you watch for the hours within the 48 hours they know or they don't here is what the police knew about the george zimmerman case within 48 hours much was documented because he was on the phone for the first four
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minutes of the incident. he calls the non-emergency dispatcher to say he sees something suspicious. as the coordinator of neighborhood watch he is following the dictates if you see something say something. we hear that at the airport or the subway but also the neighborhood watch supervisor this african-american woman and she agreed we want them to err on the side of suspicion call it. not 911. you call the non-emergency number. what does he see that causes him to be suspicious? this is what he tells the dispatcher. we have had some break-ins and there is a real suspicious guy that looks like he is up to number --
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doe good or on drugs. it is ready if he is walking around. is he profiling? of course. here is why. he sees him first young and male. every single crime committed in twin lakes is committed by a young male. every single home invasion young male. he sees him in the part of the retreats where outsiders have come in and it is not fenced and causing the most havoc. he sees him in the raid. not walk been quick but walking around and looking in and windows. profile. profile. profile. i john mail in the wrong place looking suspicious hanging around. then what is he calling and?
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by though way the retreat is a gated community it was built 2004 the and is selling at $2,002,000 the bubble crashes by the time the shooting takes place they are selling under 100,000 have prevented many are section eight that people cannot flip the houses and they are stuck with their mortgages to renting. it is plagued by break-ins by a least one serious home invasion in the house next door that he intervened to. then they could not since the final west side of the complex of people were getting in. that is why they formed the neighborhood watch after his neighbor was always her baby in the three gunmen broke into the house while she was there and she went upstairs to lock yourself in the room
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also the dispatcher said get a weapon and lock yourself in the room she comes up with a pair of scissors. that will not cut it against three guys. he is walking around he says that the dispatcher says is he black or white or hispanic? simmer matt has not volunteer that he says he looks black but he cannot tell then he says what is he wearing? and zimmerman says he wears a dark and muddy and cheese are sweatpants and white sneakers that is his answer. you will see how this is abbreviated. was the profiling? of course. then in the final variable 40 seconds later he identifies him that he is black.
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george zimmerman can make believe he does not know this but every single person who was apprehended or spotted committed a crime in the last year at twin lakes was a young black male. he could put that out of his mind just like one williams can make believe that guy who looks like the of muslim could not blow up the plane than the old baby with the walker but you think jack. but he said it out loud but lost his job on npr. see something say something. he made his judgment even before he do based on the behavior in and looking in windows in the raid. -- rain. here is a quotation from 1993, there is nothing more painful to me at this stage of my life than to walk down
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the street and hear footsteps then turned around to see somebody white and feel relieved. who said that? to see jackson 1983. he started a neighborhood watch after a series of break-ins and crimes. the profile was the same as in george zimmerman neighborhood. so jesse jackson makes the number one priority to address the issue of black on black crime then he got distracted 150,000 deaths later he still does not talk about this issue. what had to 50,000 black on black crimes. there is tragedy in to address it today is to put you on the wrong side of the media and the civil rights establishment. 20 years ago he should have stuck to it.
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of those would lead to 50,000 does he finds one that is worthy of his attention that is trayvon martin for all the wrong reasons. george zimmerman follows trayvon as he walks through the retreat he never confronted a suspect before but then he sees him running said dispatcher says which way? and george zimmerman cannot tell he gets out of the truck and starts to walk after him and the dispatcher says are you following him? george zimmerman says yes. the dispatcher says we don't need you to do that by the way they did not order him not to. he is not a police officer and has no authority he says we don't need you to do that.
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night out of 10 times that was played on national tv it ended with we don't need you to do that but they edited out the next word. okay. he stops. he went to get the address san trayvon martin has run away he has four minutes to run under 100 yards. this is a critical issue. it was reported widely the dispatcher told silberman not to leave the truck. know the request came after he could hear him breathing heavily. he walks over to get the address he knows the cops are on the wage you still want them to come? yes. i don't know where he is. what is your address?
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i will not give that out he could be heading the out. then he sat at the intersection and it trayvon martin confronts him according to george zimmerman. he says you've got a problem? and george zimmerman says several other problems then trayvon martin sucker punches them and says you do now handed george zimmerman stumbles and trayvon martin jumps on hand and starts to whale away then it is mixed martial arts. george zimmerman starts to scream for help. help me. you will hear this on the 911 called 40 seconds 40 distinctive cries of help or help me.
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this is what is perverse about the coverage of this case this is what we know happened because this witness gives an interview that next day he is the only witness number six his name is jonathan good he was on the back patio where it had ended up the only one with a light on into steps outside agencies what is going on in george zimmerman says helped lead he says i will call 911. he says no. help me. he goes in to call my 11 while he does that trayvon martin is undeterred. still wailing away. then we hear the gunshot. george zimmerman shoots
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george zimmerman is lying flat there is a difference between proton and a supine i can never remember. [laughter] and punching away. the police arrived actually george zimmerman pushes them often does not know he is dead and spreads out his arm so he cannot be attacked another witness says i need help. do not called 911. one minute after the shooting that is how little time it would have made so much difference in trayvon martin would have gone to jail but that did not happen. so they talk to witness number six there was the black guy putting blows on the hispanic guy i asked him
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to stop but he would not and i called my 11. he told them that in the first hour. they heard the 911 call in and george zimmerman calling all for help 14 times. the first-team george zimmerman said is i yelled for help and nobody would help the. he did not know that the 911 call had picked up the yellow. how would he know this? then perfectly proper police procedure they put it george zimmerman in handcuffs into interrogate will time over five hours they take the gun and tested and a stress analysis and he passes that do they choose not to arrest him because of evidence supports his story he was attacked while keeping an eye on the neighborhood than was shot to well self-defense.
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the photos at the scene we see a bloody nose and swollen and bruises on his head blood coming out supports the story. the autopsy to days later the only wound on trayvon martin is a bruised knuckle. two days later within 40 hours trayvon martin's father comes san to the station they played the screams and the chief investigator is there and listen to him say that is not trayvon. this is what they do within 48 hours why they had no interest to block or arrest george zimmerman. that would not stand. now you need a little agitation and propaganda you
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have to politicize the case to move forward. of the great white defendant playbook was in place and i will walk you through how this came to be. because the orders do not come from the soviet union not even a national clearinghouse. there are local groups to know how to exploit the system he and they know it is necessary. it is civil-rights lawyers and florida that are put in touch with these guys make a good living so we establishments about presumed racial injustice. they see the case then their eyes light up all kinds of potential. a 70 year-old child -- 14
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year-old state contacted the package together he was just going to the store to get scandals. it was actually his father's career friends on. ice-t. although there was no ice-t involved but i will explain why they said that. gated community. every news story scandals and a black child a and gated community and armed vigilante who had the misfortune to carry his father's name. this may seem self-evident if he had his mother's maiden name his mother is from peru because her grandfather was of african
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descent is his first name had been jorge the case never would have loved sanford florida. in 20074 or five hispanics the lead man is a member of ms 13 in the country illegally and is from. perot. there at a playground and there are four young black kids just hanging in listening to music all are in college genuine good kids then they decide they will castle the end they do and it gets out a patent they start to sexually molest the two girls and take out the machete they slashed the '01
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girls throat she jumps up to run away then they shoot all for end killed three. ever hear about this? nobody? jesse jackson? not because he has the hispanic name but because he is illegal immigrant. wire is the narrative that illegal immigration is bad score we should pay attention the last thing the operatives out of washington want is hispanic in the black faction so the case is buried if george zimmerman had been named jorge you never would have heard the case. never. but in any case.
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it is amazing. it took 40 minutes for cbs to approve the green light to do the show to bring on the parent of trayvon martin to do the show. they bring them on the show then i will use the word one is optics the optics of this case they need to make the case for trayvon. i don't the gripes of parents there sorrow and grief and anger even if it is displaced. but i do blame the people who are manipulating. but the real tragedy of his life was his family history.
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because when he was three his father left his mother. for the next 12 years he was raised largely by his stepmother who was totally out of the narrative. trayvon martin's father is a truck driver his mother is a college graduate making good money and very presentable people. they are formidable. they pay attention. but they had to reunite them for the case so the stepmother was cut out all the she was any way to years earlier because the father left her for the woman in and sanford. 15 at the time has a stepbrother who -- a step mother was a rocky and had no foundation that his life started to spiral his parents did not know it because there were shielded
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by the bizarre policies of the miami-dade school department they treated all crimes as school infractions so when he was busted earlier caught with a stolen ethereal jewelry he got a suspension from school. and rang caught with marijuana and other suspension and. his parents.not even know this because the school district would cover up. that is part of the package with ice-t coming gated community, skittles. said al sharpton comes on board going from local to national now jesse jackson cannot not get on board then the naacp there cannot be upstaged so now they're all on board to come to tampa
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agitation and propaganda and being sponsored by the justice department's community relations services in sharpton said we had to march to get a trial. is that how justice is done? the prosecutors say there is no pressure but sharpton is right. the media is getting crazy even an irish tv and ireland. then after the shooting then it is barack obama who gives me the title of the book with the ninth talk but then he said "if i had a son" he would look like trayvon
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martin. that might america has two channels people looks like we and people who don't. george zimmerman was the obama supporter. and he took a black girl to the prom the first fiancee was hispanic. does not look like the sense of justice and thrown into the cold. then the media begin to corrupt the case in ways that are, call nbc starts it is a member he is wandering around in the rain? what is he wearing? he is wearing a dark hoodie sneakers jean dore sweatpants here is how nbc edited the exchange.
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here they said george zimmerman and the words on the screen. the guy looks like he is up to no good. he looks black and is wearing a hoodie. he ran this at least one dozen times. george zimmerman is suing them for $2 million as well they should. the audience does not know otherwise no reason to suspect that if you see that on the "today show" established why would they do something so flawed? but then they say are you following him? you don't need to do that. okay. that is gone then they say he looks like he is up to no good if he looks black. he never made the casey
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never mentioned the heady after he said what he was wearing thokk but then cnn, san at the same time they're all competing. and cnn is where this was discovered that a member of their audience hearing the dispatcher tapes said when you hear that it is effing coons one person calls that and i get so angry when people say there is no racism in america. he calls that and and it validates that area of. that is all you hear.
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john stewart said that is not a word. congratulations. cnn decides he says they said effing coons george zimmerman civil rights activist 28 years old oddly we met dash footers by his father says he does not even know that word he does not even know the racial implications. how would he? that they attribute that to him. then did bring in the specialist to decipher. it sounds like coons to a so the prosecution decided on the word tea five. they dropped coons because it is so ridiculous.
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cnn had to drop it. abc was the worst all the way through. to have the police surveillance video that shows george zimmerman. what they don't say from the investigative work the unpaid block paid the administration and seven are female did a better job on this case that all major media combined. they said let's look at the video the image is moving ahead this surveillance video does not move what you're looking at is the iphones a video taken by somebody on the inside in hope of clarity is lost. you can see anything. cbs takes that to read with the same story a the next day.
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not only the conservative treehouse but to save there the get at the trayvon martin body there is no bruises on his knuckles. the autopsy said what the wounds were but the funeral director turns out to be an activist. he was nine innocent bystander. how a conservative media are not much better. are there are some good liberal blancs but "national review" you could always count on them he hadn't article to see was right for once. no. this is after the conservative treehouse defected the case and how they were all over the case how by the end of march they
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knew what had happened fryer but my first article and 95 percent wolds up the intermission was there. but that was enough and under pressure from uplights the republican prosecutor but i could see angela maybe i read too much into it but i saw prosecutor kramer her -- kramer wanted to be on this side of the angels to have a great white defendant who had the name george zimmerman but he had that a huge then "the new york times" who was even lighter skinned how they've sam though white hispanic the new designation now that made him vulnerable. now he is white hispanic. that is what it is and as al
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sharpton said how we had to march to get a trial. i space spent too much time on this but in the county that is terrifically representative, the answer? he will be acquitted. , can you say that? because he is in dissented no reason to believe several county florida which is roughly 10 percent black santa percent hispanic will produce a jury like downtown l.a. that freed the o.j. simpson. now what is interesting is trial observation. the jury was all white. sometimes they say was one
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hispanic. after the trial we learned the one juror was clearly of african descent. porter began at least as african as barack obama but for the three weeks she was part of the all white jury? this is how the media works. put the case was coming to trial and what made it interesting. where the whole industry got behind the media the president the attorney general sending in the in the sand to a trial in a place he could not get a fair trial. with the research i have done i am used to exposing something than the media kicks the can down the road just one quick example i did
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a book 10 years ago in this story broke the news documentary out with six whistle-blowers yes we did cover it up so i felt vindicated i knew the major media would not follow up i was asked to be on and cnn to talk about it. only five or six minutes they have on another guy who produced about this documentary and they said i have one minute left the host says why is it a cover-up? i said let me just take one of the questions. why the cover-up?
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in 1996 a reelection in your of clinton and benghazi will but all he wanted to do just like barack obama is due kickback and hope for the vast but whether you kick the can you cannot make believe that you did not. they knew that this would be adjudicated in a setting, not in a court but in a hearing for everybody is hand-picked. so i explained that they q jack. then the next day here is the transcript.
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and then the response is gone from the transcript to do is god. that is the way the media works. they surprise you with their level of new ways to deceive but tuesday this guy is nuts. but not so much. so just a couple of highlights from the trial them questions and answers. certain things did not get into the trial but without the jury. the contents of his cell phone that reveals how troubled his life was just out engage u.s. with whitey and drugs and guns. the jury was not there so
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that is fair but the media chose not to mention. no doubt the evidence is true and valid just not deemed relevant for whatever the reason. and the star witness. [laughter] the mystery witness all along the of bdo was building this up but everybody do this was a total trade wreck waiting to happen there were just a little surprised by the nature of iraq but she saved the day for herself when they handed her documents she was alleged to have written and it is a sad moment of american culture she said i cannot read cursive. 80 years old american born
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30 years of public schooling in miami and cannot read cursive at that point the the jury switched from homicidal too sympathetic and the defense attorney caught it immediately to not pursue it too far. but it added one new phrase into jurisprudence that may at last the memory of either that was the phrase creepy ass crcker what the trayvon martin say when he first saw george zimmerman? she was on the phone she said he was a creepy ass crcker this was mistaken by the defense attorney that he may have spent a rapist. they thought the dash rack
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between creepy ass cracker but apparently with urban slang i looked this up what she really said was ss cracker and can't that is a slang for homosexual later she said that openly the media did not pursue that but it could have spent gay bashing. to but if not that as the defense attorneys said who i'd like said it was trayvon martin to injected race into the discussion not george zimmerman she said no it was not racial. she was probably thinking this is not racist it is the
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gate, that. competing him but because he is white or hispanic or because he is gay does not look good. but that whole issue was trashed entirely just like there is a new book out called the book of matt a gay activist to what back to the back to shepard story got i'd like this i will tell you the way the media twisted the narrative for its own purposes. we commiserated over both. was useful to have some people to stay the same thing this. after the verdict comes out george zimmerman is acquitted said jury deliberates very conscientiously. there was lots of dash shape
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it is understandable people following the mainstream media thought this was open and shut. then the question becomes becomes, then you hear on the left parallel to what the germans called after world war i of a stabbing in the back. . .
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were earthly good would he do us in jail? thanks a lot for coming and i will take some questions. [applause] there is a mica right here. >> i have a question. what was george zimmerman's life? who was he before the trial? and before the incident with trayvon martin? >> i've been talking to his brother and father. george can't talk to anyone by the way because the federal cloud of debt still hangs over his head. he is not the same person now he was two years ago. if he didn't suffer so here case of ptsd than i did the shooting he would be inhuman let alone he turned into a national pariah
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with a 10,000-dollar bounty put on your head. before the trial his friends called and tug boat. he was the one they always called on when they need help. he would come to the rescue. the fbi and part of the reason they turned to him for the neighborhood watch was because he was so helpful. probably the most critical eyewitness at least permitted in the trial was the woman, young nice woman with her little baby whose home was invaded and she testified. it was very powerful. the jurors all talked about it. it affected them and after the home invasion, george came over and helped them hard in the house against potential break-ins in the future. the defense attorney, was he talking about people of different race and color? no, he was just helpful and that is who he was. he was a very serious catholic. that came out when he was talking to the first female police officer who interviewed him that night and he said she
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was wearing a cross and he asked if she was catholic. under the circumstances it's understandable but he was still written by guilds of the whole thing as is understandable but that is who he was. couey is going word remains to be seen. >> jack you have talked about the deception and corruption of the media and demonstrated it quite well. holding to the constitution and the importance of the first amendment and freedom of the press, what do you do to get the country to get back on finding reality from the press is supposed to their perception? >> you do it in the model is here. you do what the people do. these are eight people who live all across the country and they range in age from 25 to 75. a couple of grandmothers here
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and there. literally from florida and oregon and they talk in the chat rooms of one blog or another and they realized they had a lot more in common than they did with the person who is organizing the blog. they started their own blog a couple of years ago and they focused among other things on this case. there were other contributors by the way who added in. no one is going to pay for this by the way. not a single dime being made on the whole thing and what they do with their blog is they say we don't want your stupid opinions about this idea or that. we are talking about this case and we want facts. you'll -- we want wanted to challenge facts. "the new york times" is -- of undoubted information. you can't get away with saying stupid on a blog like this and then the defense attorney started turning to them because they realized these guys are producing better evidence than any else -- anyone else was.
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they didn't clock rate but they will go to the blog and the defense attorney started posting information about the trial. these guys would get into a big and examine it and look for lies and deceptions. that is what eight people can do with doma and by the end of the trial the conservative treehouse was the authoritative source on the george zimmerman trial. >> doing investigative journalism, how can you have a standard in this country to get back to investigate journalism that's going after the truth and not after an agenda? >> that's a good question and i think there's enough pressure being put on the mainstream media. fox is as bit but we no they are not big on investigative reporting. someone sometimes may say to themselves if we are allowed to report the truth people may buy our newspapers and watch your tv. one more incident, one of the members of the conservative
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treehouse got into the middle of the miami story he had to some votes on the ground research in miami-dade. it's a regular police department so he is doing some investigating. he comes out -- he is doing a foia request and this is one of the problems of investigative reporting. he finds the valve stems of this tires up in surgically removed and his tires are terminally flat. there is a little calling card, the isthmus card from the police with a name cut out and on the back written one word, stop. so that's what happened. that is the risk. yes maam. >> jack, thank you. my question is how when you go into decide to do research for a book like this what is the process? do you think going in this is my one is my one way of viewing and as you do the research does it change and do your thoughts
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change? >> by the time i started, i should say in this case i started this case and i had a hard time getting a book out of it. so by the time i got into it and into the contract it was maybe march or april of 2013 and my deadline was two weeks after the end of the trial in july. so that was a little different and it made me compress my time that i had. it was fascinating doing it in real time you know. when this thing is unfolding around you and other than the guys at the conservative treehouse i knew more about this case than anyone other than the attorneys and a couple of real interested loggers. it's a fascinating way to look look -- usually it's things and doing historically but this is real-time which made it interesting.
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>> hey jack. i wanted to add before asked my question how much i appreciate and others too on how much work you have done and has been a major voice on the trial and the articles you have been doing and all that. my question is it seems like the media has kind of i don't know if it's a vendetta or a witchhunt or i don't know what you call it against zimmerman in the wake of his divorce scrutinizing him quite a bit on that and of course they didn't really report the accident that he helped save or there was a small little line on it. i guess my question is, do you think the media and maybe some certain so-called civil rights activists or figures are really done with the witchhunt and might they file a civil lawsuit
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like ron goldman's father did in the o.j. simpson trial? >> here's what happened. the attorney general a good friend of al sharpton, they pal around. he gave a press conference the day before the government shutdown which was also day one of obamacare on october 1 or 2nd i guess. he was asked, what about george zimmerman? he said the investigation is ongoing. you have to understand the fbi spent three months investigating george zimmerman and they cleared him fully 16 months ago. not only that but just quickly zimmerman's most prominent role in sanford was the year before this incident took place a black homeless man had been punched out at the son of the police lieutenant and was brushed away. zimmerman happily got involved,
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printed out flyers and handed them out all over the city, spoke publicly on video in front of -- in defense of sherman where and it led to the termination of the police chief. that is how active in public he was. he had on the top of the flyer a quote from me famous anglo irishman and it said people can try and only when men of good will do nothing. he would have been better off using a quote from another anglo irishman oscar wilde, no good deed goes unpunished. they just ignored all that and that all went away but the whole thing went in abeyance. that is why he cannot speak to anyone now. every speeding ticket he gets now is like you know john dillinger and his squabble with his wife was totally exaggerated and taken out of context.
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they are trying to vindicate themselves for rushing to judgment and sending this man to trial and almost to prison. [inaudible] >> unfortunately it's true. it was really tragic. his father, george's father and mother lived in florida -- george's father's mother-in-law who has alzheimer's. early in the month of february her alzheimer's medicine went awry and she was in desperate condition. the whole family flocked around her. she pulled through but the father has a heart attack. he gets out of the hospital four days later this takes place. the father, the mother and the mother-in-law has to go into hiding the brother has to go into hiding. there's a 10,000-dollar bounty put on his head. that law remains in effect as far as i know.
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it's still unfair and not a word said in their defense. thank you very much. >> hi jack. i've heard various things about the evening when trayvon visited the convenience store and bought the skittles and maybe other items and i wonder what your investigation turned up in those matters? be this late tribute to the conservative treehouse and this dazzling work done by a fellow who blogs by the name of the weatherman. don't ask me why. i used all their blog names by the way in the course of this but there is a surveillance video where trayvon martin went that night and the story of why he went there, he didn't go because his brother asked for skittles. he went because he needed something for himself. he goes to the 7-eleven and again you know i mean i don't
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wanted get into too much detail. that night he wasn't going there to please his little brother. he went there likely to get a drink called purple -- very big in the hip-hop world and includes three ingredients. skittles, a fruit juice or pop and robitussin. he bought skittles and not arizona iced tea but arizona with watermelon fruit juice cocktail. they couldn't even bring themselves to the trial. the prosecution put the can up on the screen and they turned it sideways so you couldn't read the label. that is how bad it was because they didn't want to see that it was arizona watermelon fruit juice cocktail. he goes to the counter and he asked the clerk for something
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behind the counter in the clerk apparently turns him down. he walks outside and as he walks outside 30 seconds later the street totally scary looking guys walked in. the clerk must have seen them. they looked like to me on south park. you could see his eyes sticking true and the one guy takes off his hat and has a wool cap on. he has long curly hair. he is a hispanic or white hispanic. curley comes in. he comes in and buys a couple of water call blunts in the urban dictionary. what you do is you take out the tobacco when you put in marijuana. so he buys a cheap cigars in with $2 in his hands. trayvon that was $2 his hands that the clerk would not take. he walks out after they were in the store for four minutes. 15 seconds later after curly walks out we say --
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see trayvon on the surveillance camera walking back, turning as he is talking and walking. it's likely they transacted in marijuana purchase their or at least a purchase for the cigars. when they found trayvon, he spends 25 unaccounted for minutes between leaving the 7-eleven and arriving back at the tree. the toxicology report has the active ingredient marijuana in his load. a troubled life in the tragedy is that his parents weren't allowed to know is happening. and he just won on his way. yes maam. >> i have a question. it's very troubling hearing what's happening in our department of justice and especially like you said actually targeting this, is that a web site or something that they had put out to actually have people phone in things?
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is that correct or a phone number? >> i believe so, yeah. >> yes, a hotline. i mean, we have never had anything like this happen before in america, have we? >> we can count on it as we have seen with obamacare not working. it is getting a little ominous. the media are still relatively vigilant when it comes to protecting the liberties of the media but you know at the same time they are very select within their outrage and again i don't want to seem -- it shouldn't be an issue. historically liberals were the great protectors of civil rights not that the democrats were because you notice how they voted. they were aggressive on one hand and segregationist on the other but when liberals watched "to kill a mockingbird", when we all
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watched "to kill a mockingbird" we identify with that. what has happened is they are no longer atticus finch. they are the ones who are calling for -- and that is a troubling development because if they are not defending it us and we are down to allen dershowitz if that's it, coming to george zimmerman's defense we are in trouble and i cannot we get that done. thanks a lot. we will take one more question because you were wearing a tie. >> i watched the media mushroom kraut -- cloud erupts. i only stop the narrative was more seedy, guns are bad and they need to be taken away and i always thought that was the agenda. >> i should've mentioned that because obviously it was a major
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part of the agenda and also you have to consider this was florida 2012. the ultimate battleground state in an arguably very tight election and you want to muster all of the arguments in your favor persuading your base to vote for you. so what they focused on what this "stand your ground" law that had been a controversial "stand your ground" law the past in florida six or seven years before. the bill was so controversial that every single minority legislator in florida voted for it. if passed the senate 39-0 and it was designed to protect minorities more than anyone else because they are more often than not in harm's way. it became a convenient point of attack. george zimmerman who went into this thinking he was a liberal democrat ended up being a poster boy for the nra. it shocked him and this is part of the drama of his life is if
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it happened to a lot of people we would know what to expect because we wouldn't see those people as our allies and our friends, the people we voted for and supported. the people that depended on him and looked to him for guidance turned on him. and makes you a symbol of the evil of gun ownership in florida in an election year yeah, then barred the door. thank you very much. hey thank you all for coming. i appreciate it very much. [applause] >> we have got to fill those two minutes. [applause]
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>> thank you much. appreciate it. [inaudible conversations] booktv recently visited courted alain to explore the historical and literary culture of the area. >> in a world where there's so
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much politics and power and advertisements, she worked behind the scenes and by never forgetting a human being. they say she never forgot a name and she is incredible. the minutes of the united states senate say she was nor did for possibly knowing everybody in idaho. i think it was not just that she remembereremembered names, she remembered people and that is how she got her political power. she said wise things like don't worry what people are thinking about you because they don't do it that often. or she would say we would all have a better perspective on life if we knew the number of people at her funeral will ultimately depend on the weathen should know that one day he or she will be replaced. her parents had originally had a
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homestead on lake court ruling. her father built a home and ran a steamboat mail route and they built their farm, a dairy farm five miles north of here and that is where she was worn with four older brothers and two younger brothers. she was asked to be a reporter for the coeru d' alene press straight out of high school when she took some of the earths and deaths at first and then she went on and did almost everything for the press. she went from there to become an administrative assistant for governor doc robbins. she had been covering political things for the press and covered the second world war and some really interesting things. doc robbins saw her, governor robbins saw herspring's and begged her and pleaded and sent
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people up here. it took a long time to convince her. she became the first woman administrative assistant for a governor certainly in the state, i think possibly in the nation. this was in the 1940s still. she worked for governor robbins and then she worked for governor lynn jordan. then she made a run for congress she didn't win in north idaho because i don't think any democrat or any republican could have one in north idaho then. it was all strong democrat. she later called that a temporary fit of insanity. she was just about 40. after she lost governor smiley asked her to be the secretary of commerce and development for idaho. understand this is a woman with a high school education, never had a course in business, never had a course in economics. she did everything by the
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simplest strategies. she started off asking fifth-graders from idaho to write to fifth-graders in other states. a little genius in that because she understood long before mcdonald did that people with kids were the most likely travelers. she then went on to other strategies. she did not have the money to invite the ceos of corporations to come here to work so she promoted hunting and fishing in the mountains and backcountry trips as a way to get the ceos of those big corporations to come hear themselves on their own money and then to like it and to state at the time idaho was the only state in the west that was losing ground in per person income. by the time she finished, idaho was at that time growing at a rate that for a short time surprised even hawaii is the
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fastest growing state in the nation. we reached almost a median income for the nation at that time and newspapers all over the state were running her picture and showing the marvelous luis because she was so well loved. this is at the end of the 60s. she went on from there to work for congressman orville hanson for several years and then she came back and retired, sort of retired, to live on lake coeur d' alene and became more powerful than because of her contacts with so many people in high places and the careers that she started. someone said the way to be successful is to make other people successful. that is why she did. she helped to use her influence to get people jobs and to get them connected and to give them ideas and directions that they could go with a career. two different later i'd hope
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governors told me how she encouraged and helped and nurtured them early in their careers and that led to them becoming governors. people knew if they were in politics they wanted to be friends with her. she also became very interested in civil rights. we had a problem at that time with a white supremacist group in town and she helped a group of people lobby to get an almost unanimous vote in the legislature for a law allowing civil damages for malicious harassment and that robin and to the white supremacist compound they gave coeur d' alene at a bad name sometimes. she didn't want coeur d' alene to be known for that. at one point people encouraged her to run for governor and she had the name recognition. she had the people behind her. she had a lot of the things a politician would want and she knew it, but she didn't.
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she chose not to for several reasons and i talk about them in the book but i think the biggest is she was not one to say her own name over and over. i think she preferred to work a hind the scenes and became one of those people that works in the senator's office and the congressman's office and the congressman's office in the governor's office to get things done outside the political fight i came here 20 years ago to be the pastor of her church and i tell in the book some interesting little stories. one of the most fun was when she invited her pastor out to get appointed. she took me down the street for a burger and a beer. not many little old ladies take their pastor out for a burger and a beer. she asked me what i wanted to know and who i wanted to know. i didn't know then who i was talking to because she never talked about herself.
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the stories -- i found the story of the plane crash. she was in an important meeting and she was in charge of a lot of national people that were there in sindh valley. she took some people for a little drive up in the mountains and as they were driving she saw a plane come down in the forest. she slammed on the brakes. she was in tennis shoes and it was knee deep snow. she slammed the brakes and dove into the woods and found her way to the plane and the young people were with her caught up she was inside the plane consoling the one survivor. and then hours later she is back at that important meeting and the newspaper has a picture of her getting an award in all dressed up. her family didn't know anything about that. she didn't talk about herself. a politician who didn't talk about herself who rather was
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more interested in you and your family and what a model for young people. i'm so excited about this story because she is a role model for women and four men of how we can be successful in life by helping others. i appreciated her funeral in may of 2008. she had insisted that no politicians were to speak and it was to be a limited amount of time, and she made all the plans and all the arrangements. she didn't want anybody to build their career on her funeral. she was a realistic person and that was with -- that was not a bitter thing. it was just a realistic thing. she knew how things work and she wanted to do the in her church with just her pastor. the weather was good and there were lots of people there. the biggest legacy of all is the
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career she started and all the people all over the state who got their start from luis shattuck. the way she did it was by being nice to people. it is a model that politics is about us, the people and we can be nice to each other, we can be civil and we can be strong. she was not really a moderate. she was positioned toward the middle but she was a fierce moderate if you want to think of that. she was very strong and bright to listen to both sides. it is right to be civil and right to care about what the other people have to say and that's a model that we desperately need today and that's another reason i wanted to write this book read. ..


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